
By signing the agreement Lukáš Osladil confirmed his start at the Arnold Classic. Keep your fingers crossed at the Arnold Sports Festival 2014 from Feb 27 to March 2 in Columbus, Ohio!


Organizer EVL's Prague Pro 2013 Pro Sport holding Prague in cooperation with media partner Ronnie.cz decided to give Lukáš a special Sympathy award. In addition to the medal and a check for $ 3,000 he also received from a partner of EVL'S Prague Pro Wenger watches.


Czech bodybuilder took the 12th place at his category 212 in Prague Pro. First place took Flex Lewis, secon Sami Al Haddad and the third medalist was Ahmad Ahmad.


In 2011 Lukáš competed at his ​​last amateur competition Olympia Amateur in London and finished second in the category under 90 kg. Then due to absolute victory in the European Championship in 2005 he asked for a transfer between professionals. He began competing in the newly established category to 212 pounds (96.2 kg). He won his first professional competition in June 2012 in Canada at the Toronto Pro Supershow.

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